世界は続いてる 君を目指しながら
意识形态:自由意志主义者 (libertarianism)
Old Blog (obsolete)
2025-01-17: 美国联邦最高法院今天做出全体一致 (Per Curiam)的裁决:《保护美国人免受外国对手控制应用程序法案》(Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act)(即 Tiktok “不卖就禁”法案)并不违反宪法第一修正案。
2025-01-01: あけましておめでとうございます。
2024-12-31: 第75回NHK紅白歌合戦:「あなたへの歌」
2024-08-08: 英语角:
from sea to shining sea : 指昭昭天命(Manifest Destiny)。美国被上帝赋予了向西扩张至横跨北美洲大陆的天命,使美国领土扩张横贯北美洲,直达太平洋。
from one End of this Continent to the other, from this time forward forever more : 出自约翰亚当斯写的一封信。
I am apt to believe that it (Independence Day) will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival.[…] It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shows, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other, from this Time forward forever more. 「私は、これから先の世代が、この日を記念日として盛大に祝うと信じている。(中略)この日は大陸の端から端まで至る所で、華やかなパレードやショー、ゲーム、スポーツを行い、号砲をとどろかせ、鐘を鳴らし、かがり火を焚き、灯りをともして、これからも永遠に祝うべきである」
God Bless America : 上帝保佑美国。现代美国总统、政治家演说末尾几乎每次都会使用这个句子,其历史其实很短——罗纳德·里根在1980年接受共和党总统提名时首次使用了这个句子。被后来的所有美国总统沿用。
One Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all: 出自“忠誠宣誓”(Pledge of Allegiance)。上帝庇佑下的国家不可分割,民众自由平等。
City upon a hill: 山巅之城。《马太福音》第五章第14节:"你们是世上的光,城造在山上是不能隐藏的。人点灯,不能放在斗(蒲式耳,一种计量工具)底下,要放在灯台上,照亮一家人。You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candle-stick; and it gives light to all that are in the house."。美国作为民主灯塔,是全人类自由、正义和希望的象征。
2024-08-02: 这是我今年看到过的最搞笑的关于美国大选的新闻评论视频。MAGA!
2024-07-16: 2024年共和党全国大会第一天 (2024 Republican National Convention Day 1)
在Lee Greenwood 演唱《天佑美国》(God Bless the U.S.A.)的背景中,特朗普总统登场将会场气氛推向最高潮。RNC Goes Wild When Trump Arrives As Lee Greenwood Sings 'God Bless The USA’
Prayer works. This nation based on faith. Prayer works. Because He was sure, as Donald Trump turned his head just slightly, that the bullet missed him just enough to save his life to be the next president of the United States.
南达科他州(South Dakota)州长 Kristi Noem 的演讲(节选):
Most of you probably first learned about me during COVID – because South Dakota was the only state in America that stayed Open for Business.
We didn’t mandate anything. We never ordered a single business or church to close. I never even defined what an essential business was, because I don’t believe the government has the authority to tell you your business isn’t essential.
When other states were pushing mandates and lockdowns, we hit the gas. South Dakota embraced liberty. We told our story and invited people to come and enjoy our state.
South Dakota proved that Freedom will MAKE AMERICA WEALTHY AGAIN! And with President Trump in the White House, with Senator J.D. Vance by his side, we will prove it across America.
But two days ago, the whole world changed. Evil displayed itself in the very worst way, through a cowardly act. An innocent American lost his life, and we continue to lift his family up in our prayers.
Prior to this week, we already knew that Donald Trump is a fighter. He is the toughest man I’ve ever met. Nobody has endured more than what he’s been through. They attacked his reputation, impeached him, tried to bankrupt him, and unjustly prosecuted him.
But even in the most perilous moment this week, his instinct was to stand and FIGHT.
2024-07-14: Never Surrender! God Bless America. (More)