
Infrastructure: event loop(epoll or select / poll) + state machine
Language: ANSI-C / C99, GCC-4.9.4-arm(32)

* global state managements: state machine(s) // [HSM](<>), [misje/stateMachine](<>)
  * not thread safe
* main thread: epoll loop
  * timeout / timer / cron job: using timer fd  // man: [timerfd_create](<>)
* main thread <-> other threads communications: use eventfd ([man](<>))
* data persistence: [options](<>)
  * JSON: [cJSON](<>), // alternatives: [json-c](<>) (support [schema](<>))
* log: [EasyLogger](<>) // alternatives: [log.c](<>)

external interfaces (429 / FGPA)
* If provided as standard fd: use epoll to watch directly.
* If provided as a function call (read), depends on the read type
  * blocking: polling // must use standalone thread
  * none-blocking: read + timer // possibly handle in main thread

Log: easylog


#define LOG_TAG    "wifi.proto"
#include <elog.h>

log_e("我是 wifi.proto 日志");


最后决定使用 s_task 这个 C 的协程实现。


/* Copyright xhawk, MIT license */

#include <stdio.h>
#include "s_task.h"

void* g_stack_main[64 * 1024];
void* g_stack0[64 * 1024];
void* g_stack1[64 * 1024];

void sub_task(__async__, void* arg) {
    int i;
    int n = (int)(size_t)arg;
    for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
        printf("task %d, delay seconds = %d, i = %d\\n", n, n, i);
        s_task_msleep(__await__, n * 1000);
        /* s_task_yield(__await__); */

void main_task(__async__, void* arg) {
    int i;
    s_task_create(g_stack0, sizeof(g_stack0), sub_task, (void*)1);
    s_task_create(g_stack1, sizeof(g_stack1), sub_task, (void*)2);

    for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
        printf("task_main arg = %p, i = %d\\n", arg, i);

    s_task_join(__await__, g_stack0);
    s_task_join(__await__, g_stack1);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    s_task_create(g_stack_main, sizeof(g_stack_main), main_task, (void*)(size_t)argc);
    s_task_join(__await__, g_stack_main);

    printf("all task is over\\n");
    return 0;
