ARM development studio (DS-5) 5.26
- run "patcher.exe -a"
a. generate : patcher.exe --license=ARM_DS_5 .
b. use armlic.dat
ToolD: D:\\ARMX\\x32\\gcc-linaro-4.9.4-2017.01-i686-mingw32_arm-linux-gnueabihf
// unused: \\x64\\gcc-linaro-4.9.4-2017.01-i686-mingw32_aarch64-linux-gnu
// gcc-linaro-4.9.4-2017.01-i686-mingw32_arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz
DS5 windows-->Preferences-->DS-5-->Toolchains-->add: add toolchains
Project properties:
C/C++ Build - Settings:
- GCC C++ Compiler 4.9.4 [arm-linux-gnueabihf]
Includes: add "${workspace_loc:/${ProjName}/src/modules}" and other panda codes dir.
Debugging: Debug level: Maximum (-g3)
Preprocessor: add:
-DUSE_LIBUV // for s_task and libuv
- GCC C Compiler 4.9.4 [arm-linux-gnueabihf]
Dialect: -std=c99
Symbols: add:
-DUSE_LIBUV // for s_task and libuv
-D_GNU_SOURCE // libuv migration workaround. DO NOT add in G++ compiler
-D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=199309L // for use struct timespec
Optimization: None (-O0) // modify from ARM_linux_11f06 default -O3.
Includes: add "${workspace_loc:/${ProjName}/src/modules}" and other panda codes dir.
Debugging: Debug level: Maximum (-g3)
- GCC Assembler 4.9.4 [...]
Assambler flags: -mfloat-abi=hard -mfpu=neon // for s_task asm
c++1y = C++14 (gcc c++ 4.9.4+ recognize latter only)
// access C++ code from c
// in cpp
extern "C" int foo(char *bar)
return realFoo(std::string(bar));
// .h header
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef struct duck duck;
duck* new_duck(int feet);
void delete_duck(duck* d);
void duck_quack(duck* d, float volume);
#ifdef __cplusplus
// .cpp source
struct duck { };
class Duck : public duck {
Duck(int feet);
void quack(float volume);
inline Duck* real(duck* d) { return static_cast<Duck*>(d); }
duck* new_duck(int feet) { return new Duck(feet); }
void delete_duck(duck* d) { delete real(d); }
void duck_quack(duck* d, float volume) { real(d)->quack(volume); }
Debug Configurations
DS-5 Debugger - create new profile "Linux Application Debug / Application Debug / Connections via gdbserver"
- Connection: gdbserver Address / Port:
- Files: Load symbols from file: arm elf executable file.
F5: Single step (f5): Use this option to execute the program **statement by statement**. This allows you to branch to other program units. // 函数调用会进入
F6: Execute (f6): Use this option to process a program **line by line**. All of the statements on the current line are processed in a single step. This allows you to process the whole program. // 函数调用不进入
F7: Return (f7): The Debugger returns to the point at which control is passed back to the main program. Use this option to return from other program units.
F8: Continue (f8):Use this option to process the program up to the **next breakpoint**. If there are no more breakpoints in the program, the system exits debugging mode and executes the rest of the program normally.
在 Debug perspective 右上角 Variables / Breakpoints / Registers 面板右边的向下三角箭头点击 Manage Signals, 取消 SIGALRM 的 STOP / PRINT。否则程序一直会处于 STOP 状态。
* 断点会执行在当前行代码**之后**位置 STOP。
* 断点的默认模式会 STOP 当前程序的所有线程。
* 程序处于运行状态时无法管理 / 添加断点。
* 程序 RUNNING 状态下调试界面显示的所有程序运行状态信息都不会更新。
killall arm_linux_48c03;
cd /dpapp/mdm_arm;
gdbserver --remote-debug ./arm_linux_48c03 7\\n
killall gdbserver;
killall arm_linux_48c03;
cd /root;
gdbserver --remote-debug ./arm_linux_48c03 7\\n